I just can't get enough of emo..no..That's not it.
Rock music. Yeah! That's it.
There's where my heart really is
Alternative, Metal, Brit rock, screamo, acid jazz...
I wished the local radio stations would play more my kind of music and less of that New-Boyband-Rock-group music..with all that pretty boys and stuff like that..
Yet, I still like hip-hop cuz' it gets me on my feet. That's the problem with some screamos, as much as I love them. You can't do anything but headbang..
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Tuition verses teachers
Oh boy, it's only the first month and I've already broken one of my New Year's resolution..
Nothing to do with my social life (it's just fine and dandy, thank you very much)
It's the busy and tight schedule I have now. I never expected Form 5 life to be that hard!
I mean, the was the school moved all the Co-curricullum activities to the weekdays is one thing, but I have a suspicion that the teachers are doing this in order to prevent us from going to tuition centers..
The teachers are getting really annoying. All of them seem to have a grudge on these tuition centers..(save one, she offers tuition classes herself..Hahaha, how ironic..) Why? It's not going to change the amount of the salary they receive anyway..Yet, everyday at the start of each class, they give a prep talk to discourage us from joining all this extra help things..It's not the teachers..I mean, some of them are good and all but they won't work with everyone.Everybody has a preference of their own.
I for example, prefer individual attention because, then, I would'nt shift my attention somewhere else when someone is paying full attention to me! Hahaha..We do need extra help in our studies. Because the government won't consider changing the examination-based school we go to, what do you expect? Tuitions are popping out everywhere. We students just can't resist the smell of getting better grades at school..(and the chance of getting to meet new members of the opposite sex..hehehehe)
Even the good students go for tuitions.( God knows why) I have one friend my ( who's one of the top scorers anyway, but none of them can beat me at the English Language..HAHAHA..pardon my egocentricity) who goes for 3..Yes, THREE different tuition classes for the same subject, Add Maths. And she doesn't even need them. Her analytical state of mind far surpasses all those in my school..And she's highly considering the job prospect of being an acturist. For God's sake, I don't know how she fits everything into her schedule..Chemistry, piano, Physics, Biology,religious school, Modern maths, Add Maths, Accounts, Malay language( something else she's perfect at..Hey I'm good as well, my teacher just praised me over my sentence building yesterday..), and other things..Maybe I should go for tuition under her for time management. That's something I'm very bad at.
Which reminds me, my piano class is in one hour's time and I haven't practised my songs or done my theory homework yet. And I'm not supposed to be using the computer until I finish all my homework.
Oh well, you can't beat the heart of a 'true blogger'..
Nothing to do with my social life (it's just fine and dandy, thank you very much)
It's the busy and tight schedule I have now. I never expected Form 5 life to be that hard!
I mean, the was the school moved all the Co-curricullum activities to the weekdays is one thing, but I have a suspicion that the teachers are doing this in order to prevent us from going to tuition centers..
The teachers are getting really annoying. All of them seem to have a grudge on these tuition centers..(save one, she offers tuition classes herself..Hahaha, how ironic..) Why? It's not going to change the amount of the salary they receive anyway..Yet, everyday at the start of each class, they give a prep talk to discourage us from joining all this extra help things..It's not the teachers..I mean, some of them are good and all but they won't work with everyone.Everybody has a preference of their own.
I for example, prefer individual attention because, then, I would'nt shift my attention somewhere else when someone is paying full attention to me! Hahaha..We do need extra help in our studies. Because the government won't consider changing the examination-based school we go to, what do you expect? Tuitions are popping out everywhere. We students just can't resist the smell of getting better grades at school..(and the chance of getting to meet new members of the opposite sex..hehehehe)
Even the good students go for tuitions.( God knows why) I have one friend my ( who's one of the top scorers anyway, but none of them can beat me at the English Language..HAHAHA..pardon my egocentricity) who goes for 3..Yes, THREE different tuition classes for the same subject, Add Maths. And she doesn't even need them. Her analytical state of mind far surpasses all those in my school..And she's highly considering the job prospect of being an acturist. For God's sake, I don't know how she fits everything into her schedule..Chemistry, piano, Physics, Biology,religious school, Modern maths, Add Maths, Accounts, Malay language( something else she's perfect at..Hey I'm good as well, my teacher just praised me over my sentence building yesterday..), and other things..Maybe I should go for tuition under her for time management. That's something I'm very bad at.
Which reminds me, my piano class is in one hour's time and I haven't practised my songs or done my theory homework yet. And I'm not supposed to be using the computer until I finish all my homework.
Oh well, you can't beat the heart of a 'true blogger'..
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Yesterday I was reconciled with my true love..the one I selfishly locked away in my heart for myself..it has been so long since I met him..
The books o' my school library!!! Oh, how I cherished every single one of you..even the crappy books meant for those who are just starting to set their foot in the literature world~All the Macmillian school-based novels..The feeling is indescribable!!!
I was there yesterday to help the teachers process the new books and to make the library fit for humans to venture in..Just the joy of being able to borrow and savour these books after processing and registering them thrills me as much as it pains me to be in the knowledge that some fool would borrow the books and respect it as though it was toilet tissue paper..Well, I guess it's a way for Literature to grow..even though it has to start from the bottom..
There were these boring BM books the new library teacher chose ( I never said she was a good decision maker..but then again, those books were sponsered by the government..hmm), the Hardy Boys collection, and the lovely, lovely literary books! O' of Twain, Defoe, Doyle, Verne & the other great writers the world can ever find..I found it all here! Well, the books don't pay justice to the maestros because they are all abridged and rearranged to be fit for the secondary students' IQ capacity. Hmmpph! Such an insult. Would you imagine what the choleric Mr. Twain would have said if he knew what these scoundrels did to his works of art??
I was instructing and giving pointers to some newly recruited-librarians to label the Hardy Boys books when one of them reported to me the missing numbers of Books #2 & #59. How could this happen?? All the books were checked in and throughly before they even made it here! Then the teacher told me that those books were unavailable in Malaysia since they dissent with the teachings and beliefs of the Islam religion..
Not that I support that, I personally would boycott the book if it touches sensitive issues on Christianity..such as the highly successful Da Vinci Code. This is a democratic country..so what happened to the open-mind thing? Everyone deserves free speech. It's a free world after all..If you can allow the Da Vinci Code, why not Hardy Boys? Just two books to complete the collection and that's it!..
Well, I'm not really a big fan of the Hardy Boys nor have I any interest in the politics business..sometimes a love or a hobby can be overwhelming to me..
The books o' my school library!!! Oh, how I cherished every single one of you..even the crappy books meant for those who are just starting to set their foot in the literature world~All the Macmillian school-based novels..The feeling is indescribable!!!
I was there yesterday to help the teachers process the new books and to make the library fit for humans to venture in..Just the joy of being able to borrow and savour these books after processing and registering them thrills me as much as it pains me to be in the knowledge that some fool would borrow the books and respect it as though it was toilet tissue paper..Well, I guess it's a way for Literature to grow..even though it has to start from the bottom..
There were these boring BM books the new library teacher chose ( I never said she was a good decision maker..but then again, those books were sponsered by the government..hmm), the Hardy Boys collection, and the lovely, lovely literary books! O' of Twain, Defoe, Doyle, Verne & the other great writers the world can ever find..I found it all here! Well, the books don't pay justice to the maestros because they are all abridged and rearranged to be fit for the secondary students' IQ capacity. Hmmpph! Such an insult. Would you imagine what the choleric Mr. Twain would have said if he knew what these scoundrels did to his works of art??
I was instructing and giving pointers to some newly recruited-librarians to label the Hardy Boys books when one of them reported to me the missing numbers of Books #2 & #59. How could this happen?? All the books were checked in and throughly before they even made it here! Then the teacher told me that those books were unavailable in Malaysia since they dissent with the teachings and beliefs of the Islam religion..
Not that I support that, I personally would boycott the book if it touches sensitive issues on Christianity..such as the highly successful Da Vinci Code. This is a democratic country..so what happened to the open-mind thing? Everyone deserves free speech. It's a free world after all..If you can allow the Da Vinci Code, why not Hardy Boys? Just two books to complete the collection and that's it!..
Well, I'm not really a big fan of the Hardy Boys nor have I any interest in the politics business..sometimes a love or a hobby can be overwhelming to me..
It's finally over for good

It's officially over.
I called him a last time to confirm it.
Because he can never say something to me unless it's from a mouth of another friend.
His friend said the guy still loved me.
He denied every single thing as usual.
I'm fed up! So now I consider myself rid of him forever. He's just another one of the heartbreakers..But thanks, Vicky. You've opened up my eyes to this bigger world after setting me free. I know you're not going to read this. You never do. But, hey..I'm free! I'm finally free!
Friday, January 13, 2006
Just a day in school.. a LONG LONG day
I'm having such a freakin' great time at school now..It's a really nice feeling to watch my friends struggle with Additional Maths while I just sit down there and stare at the teacher's face.
Apparently, I'm the first Pure Science student to drop Additional Mathematics in my Form..but somehow, no one is really affected by the choice I made. My teacher didn't even flinch when I told her about me dropping the subject. Why? Because for the whole previous year, I had never paid attention in her class nor have I done any of the homework given to us. It had no effect on my parents because it is them, who suggested that I drop the subject if I want to!
Hell yeah, so it didn't long for me to make my mind. I don't like the subject..I find it easy to fail..basicly I'm just not the analytical type..I'm more the logical, language & general knowledge person. Modern Mathematics seems fine to me. I don't have a problem getting an A1 for that..Fuck Add maths. Fuck the stereotyping that Add Maths is a MUST for university applicants. Heck, does "Tassels" ( I hope I got that right) actually need Additional Maths? I don't think so.
I've been pretty busy at school lately-as a treasurer for two clubs, form representative for a club and the dicipline head for the Librarians..things would never come easy I tell you..Today we had a talk for the heads, secretaries, and treasurers for all the clubs in a management course..Pure bullshit. I wasted 2 hours listening to the teachers admiring their own voice with nothing..Well, just a bit I guess. I learnt some things I need to do as a treasurer I guess. All it did was just create guilt in me when one mentioned the responsibility of keeping the money safe & sound.
I lost the money I collected for one club last year in a break-in.
If you've been following the local news lately, the government has been talking about lifting the ban on bringing mobile phones to school! The dicipline teacher talked about that today, and once we get a letter confirming the change, we'll be able to bring the phones and show it off to our friends! Yay!
Problem is: I don't have a mobile phone with me yet. :(
Apparently, I'm the first Pure Science student to drop Additional Mathematics in my Form..but somehow, no one is really affected by the choice I made. My teacher didn't even flinch when I told her about me dropping the subject. Why? Because for the whole previous year, I had never paid attention in her class nor have I done any of the homework given to us. It had no effect on my parents because it is them, who suggested that I drop the subject if I want to!
Hell yeah, so it didn't long for me to make my mind. I don't like the subject..I find it easy to fail..basicly I'm just not the analytical type..I'm more the logical, language & general knowledge person. Modern Mathematics seems fine to me. I don't have a problem getting an A1 for that..Fuck Add maths. Fuck the stereotyping that Add Maths is a MUST for university applicants. Heck, does "Tassels" ( I hope I got that right) actually need Additional Maths? I don't think so.
I've been pretty busy at school lately-as a treasurer for two clubs, form representative for a club and the dicipline head for the Librarians..things would never come easy I tell you..Today we had a talk for the heads, secretaries, and treasurers for all the clubs in a management course..Pure bullshit. I wasted 2 hours listening to the teachers admiring their own voice with nothing..Well, just a bit I guess. I learnt some things I need to do as a treasurer I guess. All it did was just create guilt in me when one mentioned the responsibility of keeping the money safe & sound.
I lost the money I collected for one club last year in a break-in.
If you've been following the local news lately, the government has been talking about lifting the ban on bringing mobile phones to school! The dicipline teacher talked about that today, and once we get a letter confirming the change, we'll be able to bring the phones and show it off to our friends! Yay!
Problem is: I don't have a mobile phone with me yet. :(
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
And..without furthur ado..SHE'S BACK to the show !
Yes, people!
Michelle's back to business~
No (almost) depression, no more insecurities, no more pahetic heartbreaks..uh-uh~
She's regained her confidence and pride, will isolate herself less now, and is definately primed to meet new people without fear!
Michelle's back to business~
No (almost) depression, no more insecurities, no more pahetic heartbreaks..uh-uh~
She's regained her confidence and pride, will isolate herself less now, and is definately primed to meet new people without fear!
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