Friday, July 01, 2005

Disaster !!!

Monthly exam is 3 weeks away..Taekwando exam is 2 weeks away..piano exam is a month away..SWU English Proficiency test is 1 week away...Oh how I wish to turn back time where I don't need to study to score and A..So my goals for now...

1.Get more than 3 1As.
2.Pass my Add maths.
3.Not fail in any subject this time.
4.Get 1A in Literature
5.Stop thinking so much about my social future!!! :P
6.Pass my practical exam.
7.Get black belt as soon as more delaying!!!
8.No more being nervous during oral or public speaking...(my weakness..I tend to ramble)

That's about it I I'm just sitting,waiting for something out of the blue to happen...something like getting a pass for my Grade 8 theory exam in music...

1 comment:

Sparks said...

And yeah...I did accomplish some of the goals..

1.Yeah I did.Better.41As!
2.Oh yeah, with a 4B grade.
3.yeah!I didn't fail any!
4.Yes! The highest & only one who got 1A!!
5.Currently,I'm hating everything/one including myself.
6.ohh,I dunno.I suckked that day.Talk about nervous breakdowns.
7.Nope.I'm delaying this shit.
8.Yes!!! I did this one!!!