Saturday, January 21, 2006

Tuition verses teachers

Oh boy, it's only the first month and I've already broken one of my New Year's resolution..

Nothing to do with my social life (it's just fine and dandy, thank you very much)

It's the busy and tight schedule I have now. I never expected Form 5 life to be that hard!
I mean, the was the school moved all the Co-curricullum activities to the weekdays is one thing, but I have a suspicion that the teachers are doing this in order to prevent us from going to tuition centers..

The teachers are getting really annoying. All of them seem to have a grudge on these tuition centers..(save one, she offers tuition classes herself..Hahaha, how ironic..) Why? It's not going to change the amount of the salary they receive anyway..Yet, everyday at the start of each class, they give a prep talk to discourage us from joining all this extra help things..It's not the teachers..I mean, some of them are good and all but they won't work with everyone.Everybody has a preference of their own.

I for example, prefer individual attention because, then, I would'nt shift my attention somewhere else when someone is paying full attention to me! Hahaha..We do need extra help in our studies. Because the government won't consider changing the examination-based school we go to, what do you expect? Tuitions are popping out everywhere. We students just can't resist the smell of getting better grades at school..(and the chance of getting to meet new members of the opposite sex..hehehehe)

Even the good students go for tuitions.( God knows why) I have one friend my ( who's one of the top scorers anyway, but none of them can beat me at the English Language..HAHAHA..pardon my egocentricity) who goes for 3..Yes, THREE different tuition classes for the same subject, Add Maths. And she doesn't even need them. Her analytical state of mind far surpasses all those in my school..And she's highly considering the job prospect of being an acturist. For God's sake, I don't know how she fits everything into her schedule..Chemistry, piano, Physics, Biology,religious school, Modern maths, Add Maths, Accounts, Malay language( something else she's perfect at..Hey I'm good as well, my teacher just praised me over my sentence building yesterday..), and other things..Maybe I should go for tuition under her for time management. That's something I'm very bad at.

Which reminds me, my piano class is in one hour's time and I haven't practised my songs or done my theory homework yet. And I'm not supposed to be using the computer until I finish all my homework.

Oh well, you can't beat the heart of a 'true blogger'..


Anonymous said...

3 tuition of the same subject? SIAU!!! tuition fever?

actually, when you completed form 5, you will eventually find all those tuition abit junk. i mean, there is so many other things to learn, so many other things to enjoy, to explore... etc...:)

those who are good in addmath or physics are not the one survive better in higher education... but... those with good command in language( english)! yes.. vocab, speech, essay...etc. That is why those america have SAT and GRE testing on vocab.

in phsycology, better linguistic skill, better IQ.

anyway, i am an Add math tutor who speaks broken english. :P

nice post neeway, cheers

Sparks said...

What to do? At school, all I do is anything but study...I'm the only one the teachers don't bother whether I go to tuition or not..

No-lah..Your english is FINE for your level..(compared to some people I know..hehehe)

nakedwriter said...

Well, the only reason i go for tuition is because the teachers in school are really BAD at teaching (not ALL). But true what Isaac said. Don't waste all your time on tuition classes (you don't need some of them, really)- and i know why the teachers are holding a grudge. I would hate it too when students stroll in class knowing everything "the tuition teacher said". Worst is places that give exam questions out before the real test!! I support teachers on this issue. Heh. Rare thing. Better record it!