Sunday, September 24, 2006

Forecast results!

Wahay! Not bad for a slacker.

It's not that good. But it's good enough for me.

8As 2Bs. The Bs are for History and Chemistry. I know I've got an A for Physics, but whether it's an 1A or a 2A, I will find out tommorow.

But who cares? I've had a deal with my parents. RM10 for each A. What more, my tuition teacher gave me RM 20 for each A I get. Oh yeah, 'studying' is rewarding indeed.

I take 11 subjects. That leaves Bible Knowledge. Oh well, I'm not really expecting an A (or a pass) for that. I regret taking that subject. It's going to tarnish my pretty report card. :P

Friday, September 22, 2006

What's gotten into me?


-I keep forgetting what I'm supposed to do like go for tuition

-I might enquire the use of hearing aids soon

-My friends are pulling out white hair of my head on a more frequent basis

-I'm disapproving

-Instead I'm listening to Light&Easy Moonlight Mood. Gee, I never thought Frank Sinatra could sound so wonderful.

-Instead of going down with a fight, I'd rather surrender and give in to my parents' demands

-I'm becoming more lethargic each day. Hyperactive girl is becoming active-girl.

-Crankier and very disapproving of unnecessary shrieks and loud talking in my class.

Good Lord...I think I'm suffering from premature ageing.

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Queen Dethroned

Greetings readers. Let me introduce myself as depression. You can call me Mr. Dee.

Our little friend here has made the biggest screw up of her life. By being overconfident, too proud of herself. And what exactly did she do? She decided to take the risk in her TRIALS English Literature exam by answering a question on something she hasn't read in ages.

Why, you ask me? Simple. Being that cocky little chit she was, she thought she could still score not having a single idea about the TRUE meaning of the literary work she was working on. She actually believed that she could still maintain her perfect record of getting the highest marks in her class by playing around in her exam.

Just as I expected, she fared badly in the test to the point that her teacher said she was disappointed in her. Of course she would feel that! That minx was the cream of the crop. The teacher wanted it to stay that way, in fact she was happy for her top student. But, no....the little brat decided to take things in her own hands and now... she's in second spot! For the first time this year, hah! She lost out to the underdog (literally). HAHAHA.

I quote the teacher on this.." Serves you right. Who asked you to start crapping on something you don't even know about?" Hahaa~Second place. Who knows? They might not even require her presence on the academic awards achievements day. Loser. Go on, cry like a baby, CRY!

"Boo HOo Hooooooooo...WaaAAaaaah~~~"

I'm ready, depression.

"'s been a while hasn't it?

I guess so.

"What kept you so long?"

False happiness

"Ah...that one...a dear friend of mine. But let's make up for lost time, shall we?

Yes, we shall.