Saturday, February 17, 2007

A wrinkle in time

A new look to usher in the new year

The new year where it all ends

Well, just for the moment's time. I'm stopping this blog until I feel the occasional need to jot down some musings I had...All this 4 years of blogging have almost drained out all of my creative juices..I need time to regain it back. Right now, I'm channeling it towards English Literature...Well, I'll post once I get my SPM results. And when I find a new muse, (wish me luck on that) I'll return to the ol'hole. :)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sesat case

"You're so lost"

Well, excuse me miss. If you haven't noticed, I'm doing A-levels purely for English Literature. The reason why I'm taking Physics and Biology is to back me up since I'm not good at ART subjects. Though I'm not doing science after this pre-u, that doesn't give you any right to JUDGE me, you bitch. So, I may be the only one in the Lit. discussion group that's doing science while the rest of you are doing econs, accounts. So all the group discussions and meetings are disrupted because of my weird timetable. Big deal, in the end of the day, A-levels is purely EXAM-based and none of this bonding would be of any help. SO SHUT YOUR FAT MOUTH UP!

I just gave her a sheepish smile