I grilled the sewing machine just minutes before I departed to FACT again...& what a disappointment..it seems that's I'm the only one who's got more than 50% of my garment completed. Well, there was this other girl..who had to change the whole colour of her outfit....
They had the whole tv crew from AXN/Animax come over to do interviews & walkthroughs ala Project Runway with Bill Keith acting as Tim Gunn of some sort..that guy's hilarious..we all know he sways the other way, so he used that to bully the cameraman...but I don't think that's appropriate for national TV..haha, but you should have been there..
Sneak preview of my design
I wanted to use umbrella spokes in the design, but Bill said since my outfit is already feminine, well, he just doesn't want Rachel to look like an insect. Oh, have I mentioned? Rachel, my model is the daughter of Lewre owner! Woohoo! Free shoes!
I made a few friends... most of them are fashion students... well, I thank them for being extremely patient with this noob in fashion. One taught me how to do a choker..another cute guy taught me how to do ruffles. He's so cute! Well, Bill puts on mascara but this one looks much better with it, you could just pinch his cheeks...I envy him, he's so natural on camera. I can't..I become a bit woody, like Daniel Radcliffe's or Keanu's.
By the way, you can still vote for my design..3RD Row, 3RD column..just register once, & vote for me! Well...they said you can vote only once, but I've tried the system & I've already voted 3 times for myself..(hehehehe, kiasuness)
Totally voting for ya!
even I voted for U......
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