Friday, July 14, 2006

Shh..don't tell anyone but everyone :P

Something wonderful just happened.

The school counselor informed us that matriculation forms are up for sale.

The only condition is that you have to be taking Add Maths.

Yeah, in front of everyone including my mother ( she insisted persistently that I MUST apply for it) I sulked and whined about my bad luck ( Cause I dropped Add Maths at the start of this year) to anyone who would listen. My mother couldn't believe it & my friends were probably gloating to themselves on how lucky they are since they are still taking Add Maths.

Frankly, I couldn't give a damn. I don't want apply for matrics. It lacks the challenge, and what about the majority Malay students? I don't mind being friends with them. It's fun talking in bahasa baku with my Malay friends. But for a year? With so little people I can identify with? No thanks. I'd rather go for Form 6 or A-levels.. More variety of people to choose from.

Pardon my selfishness. It must be that gene in me.

1 comment:

nakedwriter said...

The gene in you?

:P This was what Richard Dawkins was talking about when he warned his readers in the Introduction: "Please Don't Use Me as an Excuse"
