Friday, July 20, 2007

Never changed

It will be my horrifying Computing test in 10 hours time & I, as usual, flirting with time; am dilly-dallying around with the computer. Well, it's related, see..not that I'm using it now for the actual test. Heck, why should there be a written test for IT? They should've just put our faces smack on the moniter & get us to type some things out. I'll screw up the test anyway, so why bother typing this out? Oh..of course, just to please Mr.Procastination, my current best friend.

Why the hell am I studying computing anyway? Alright, it did help me in the sense that I am now equipped with the basic knowledge of MS office stuff. But what I really need is how to use Media based stuff; Publisher, Adobe shit..etc.

Sigh, I really do miss literature...but I rarely have the time to dilly-dally with you anymore...or is it maybe because I chose not to?

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