Friday, January 13, 2006

Just a day in school.. a LONG LONG day

I'm having such a freakin' great time at school now..It's a really nice feeling to watch my friends struggle with Additional Maths while I just sit down there and stare at the teacher's face.

Apparently, I'm the first Pure Science student to drop Additional Mathematics in my Form..but somehow, no one is really affected by the choice I made. My teacher didn't even flinch when I told her about me dropping the subject. Why? Because for the whole previous year, I had never paid attention in her class nor have I done any of the homework given to us. It had no effect on my parents because it is them, who suggested that I drop the subject if I want to!

Hell yeah, so it didn't long for me to make my mind. I don't like the subject..I find it easy to fail..basicly I'm just not the analytical type..I'm more the logical, language & general knowledge person. Modern Mathematics seems fine to me. I don't have a problem getting an A1 for that..Fuck Add maths. Fuck the stereotyping that Add Maths is a MUST for university applicants. Heck, does "Tassels" ( I hope I got that right) actually need Additional Maths? I don't think so.

I've been pretty busy at school lately-as a treasurer for two clubs, form representative for a club and the dicipline head for the Librarians..things would never come easy I tell you..Today we had a talk for the heads, secretaries, and treasurers for all the clubs in a management course..Pure bullshit. I wasted 2 hours listening to the teachers admiring their own voice with nothing..Well, just a bit I guess. I learnt some things I need to do as a treasurer I guess. All it did was just create guilt in me when one mentioned the responsibility of keeping the money safe & sound.
I lost the money I collected for one club last year in a break-in.

If you've been following the local news lately, the government has been talking about lifting the ban on bringing mobile phones to school! The dicipline teacher talked about that today, and once we get a letter confirming the change, we'll be able to bring the phones and show it off to our friends! Yay!

Problem is: I don't have a mobile phone with me yet. :(


Cheng Sim said...

my school applied the same rule too. they will only allow us to bring them once they've received the letter.

im a form 6 student and yeah, Add Math is really important when applying for a public university.

what if you have a change of future plans on the 11th hour?

nakedwriter said...

If you don't want to do add maths, DON'T! Besides, most of it is practically repeated in Sixth Form/A Levels/Pre-U.

I think artistically inclined people should be proud of their inclination. Those science students who said arts are for dummies are dummies to start with.

Science and Art goes hand in hand; they'll be the last couple to file for divorce

Sparks said...

Yeah..if I wasn't doing language, I would be doing art now..

Sometimes I wonder why I made the choice to go into Science class..when I could've done wonders in the ARTS class.

1.The Stereotyping
2.The Best teachers are in the Science class..
3. There is still a LITTLE part of me that wants to unravel the secrets of the human anatomy and the world..

After SPM, I'll be free to do what I want! Be it art, designs, fashion, graphics, language, music..I'll be able to do what I can't do in school now!