Sunday, February 12, 2006

Burned-out????'s getting so hard nowadays to think of anything to write about these days...I'm getting burned out! Everyday I have something to do; tuitions, classes, and the rest of it. It all sums up to about 10 hours for me to sleep, eat, my homework & study? (yeah right..the word study doesn't belong in your vocabulary Michelle)

So I try my best to make time for myself. I admit it. I'm a social-maniac. I need at least someone to talk to each day or else I'll get freaked out and get bouts of hysterias!!

I thought I would be able to handle it..all the club and librarian administrative work. Bullshit!! My classmates don't see it, (because I hide it so well with my famous fake smile and high-pitched laugh) but damn, do I feel stressed out or what. Plus, with the deadline of the Moral project & the BRATZ essay coming up..I really wonder how I stay sane with all of this.

A part of me just feels like letting it all go..moving to a different school as a normal student, with no cares, no expectations from your friends and teachers, less responsibility and more freedom and happiness. Happiness..ah..such a distant feeling~The real Michelle (the evil & the nice added up together) hates being tied down. She's a real freedom seeker and is at her happiest when there are no cares at all in earth. Looks like that will only happen at the event of my death..haih...

Yet a part of me still wants me to hang on to it all..despite all the pain. Just for the papers..hahaha..stupid certificates. That's the main reason I'm hanging on. And for the fun of it.

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