Sunday, February 13, 2005

A Lively chat with a friend sent from God.

Michelle : Guess what?
G.Angel : I don't really want to know.
Michelle : I've got exactly 291$ from the Michelle's Ang Pau Charity fund.
G.Angel : Like I said,I don't really want to know.
Michelle : And I haven't finished collecting yet...:p
G.Angel : Oh,really? And whaddaya planning to do with it?
Michelle :I was thinking of using the whole amount on albums and stuff like that,but on a second thought..I'll be
using it in the skin department.
G.Angel : News flash! Skin sags...
Michelle : Oh c'mon..I don't do much for my skin anyway
G.Angel : Hm, let's take a memory walk shall we? You wasj your face 3 times a day,you re-apply facial creams
every hour or so,you...
Michelle : Ok,Ok ya don''t have to be soo specific.Look,i've even given some to Lent charity.
G.Angel : By force I suppose
Michelle : Hey,it's from the heart and ya know that.
G.Angel : Yada yada...


Alex said...

such a cute `chat`. who inspired you to create something like that?

Sparks said...

Why God of's nice to talk to Him all the time,though talking to my guardian angel feels nicer.

P/S : Hey soceress,read your blog..excellent grammar there..but I still can't get your name.

Fantasy? A little.Charmed..