Saturday, May 28, 2005


Finally exam is OVER!!!! (nothing to do with that silly Lindsay bitch song,mind ya) Still I can't resist the fact that I'm gonna lose my privelages which compromise of the computer and tv hours..I can make up for the net in the cafes and tv? Who needs tv..(sob* I do..) all I will miss are the Drew Carey shows and My beloved MTV music videos and serials and...Oh Gawd I can't lose my TV hours...I better pray that I'll get exeptional results for my exam..Exceptional for my Mom that is..she already said she will take away all my privalages (I'm still ok as long as she doesn't take away my beloved Boombox and cassetes and CDs..) if I come back with my horrendous marks..

I still can't get the concept of Add/modern maths and I'm losing my touch on normal maths..And I haven't mentioned anything about the horrible biology have I? I'm quite Ok with the other subs..(i'm best in English language,Literature,EST) Though I'm not soo confident of my Physics,history,Chemistry...It's all in The Malay Language! I wish I could go to an international school to learn all this shit in English..I can assure you that my marks will go over the tops!


Alex said...

hahaha. malaysian goverment sux... and bm sux to the max!!

Sparks said...

Yeah! Kudos to that!

Alex said...

i think adding that name is pretty nice.. but can`t really find the reason why u wanna add.. i think michelle is a nice name already :)