Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Great.Exams tommorow.And guess what, mom said she'll stop me from ALL tuitions if I don't improve because that clearly shows that the classes don't help me at all.But what the heck.I haven't studied at all.I'm only worried about my Maths and history.I hope I can pass all my papers this time.Not so worried bout modern maths cuz' I'm familiar with the topics that are coming out.

LIfe is so depressing these days.Friends are getting harder to tolerate.But still, I keep reminding myself that this is just God's lesson in my growing process...but why is it so hard??? Damnation!!


Anonymous said...

hey mitch, it's adrienne. all i wanna say is geez i wish you luck coz you're gonna need it! :P haha no really good luck coz sounds like ur in trouble. or wateva

Sparks said...

Garn, I could laugh myself silly for thinking that I could fail my papers.It turned out quite well! ( I'm not saying that I am getting A's for it, maybe a B or a C if lady-luck smiles upon me...)

Thanks Adrienne Anonymous, I think I already got it.