Sunday, June 29, 2008


I want to start a new blog!

Just in case you don't know yet, (hardy-har-har) my life isn't all about gloom & doom & locking myself up in my room just...thinking.
But to start posting photos of the delightful little things I stumble upon in my daily adventures in this blog? It doesn't feel right, it's all so gloomy and dark in here you just feel choked under all that black cloud, and suddenly some random photos of woohoos and wheeeeee~s pop out? Look at the post below, what the heck is something so bright and happy lala doing here? ARGH, my mind is telling me something here LOL LOL LOL

This blog used to be a great balance on life; in and out of my head. Now, it's all about my inner..thoughts. HAHA, and it's hard for me to switch the direction of where all this is going. Well, the bad part if I wanted to start a new blog is that I have to give up the painfully thought up URL...unless I delete the archives here...or maybe a new page? Hmm.

What to expect (if I don't procrastinate as I always do): The life of a girl who believes shopping is best done alone, travelling around cities, hopping off trains and buses, getting lifts from random...acquaintances :D, walking just to save some peanut money, snapping pics of modern indie art, collecting art, my obsession with miniatures and indie/brit bands, finding out places with the spiciest tomyam to top off the previously-spiciest (my tastebuds gets blah after awhile)...etc. Haha, I'm ranting and it feels good to be doing this again

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