Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Shit, shit and more shit!!!! ( nothing to do with human waste!)

Bullshit. i'm having my exams now and I'm still using the net..I guess it's just a way to cheer me up after the disastrous Add maths paper..I thought i wouldn't have much problems...guess lady luck is looking away today. So i guess i'll have my privilages taken away and I'll have to fork out cash to use the net for the rest of my school days. TV would be a luxury then...and I won't be able to visit my cousins in Cambodia..:(
It's not that bad actually..i might have a chance to pass if I do well in the First paper tommorow. Science subjects suck as usual...I'm betting on Ds and Cs if I'm lucky. But I don't want to fail...guess I'll have to study exam is until the next Friday..Mannn~ this is gonna be crazy..i'm only studying on the day itself...

1 comment:

Sparks said...

Awright!! Today's tests were the easiest yet! the objective paper for Maths was a breeze..That means the Subjective paper will be hard..oh mannn
I did EST in 10 minutes flat record time.How cool is that? :)