Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy days are here again~

Well, about the last mom wanted me to break up the relationship. It was too simple...irresistable!! All I had to do is not call him from my house anymore and him to do the same.Thank the government for public phones.After SPM, we're gonna break it to her. ( Frankly, I wanna savour the look on her face when the truth is told..)

Speaking of which, my wildest dream has come true!! Well,'s not a new handphone or something. I'm allowed to drop Add Maths for my SPM!!! Finally, I'll be able to sit for my exams without dread or fear. Now i can concentrate more on the Big-3, History and Maths. After all, what I'm going to do after I leave school has nothing to do with mathematics nor has it to do with science. A little bit of general knowledge is okay I guess, so I'll bear with my teacher in a while.

Is it just me, or am I really lucky these days? Nah, it's just me. My parents are thinking of moving to PJ for its convenient location and shit. Probably next year or the year after next. I don't mind moving and all..I'd like to move rather. Though I'm having doubts in me again, I really want to move..the faster the better.Why?

Pros.# Co-ed school, New friends of differant genders and races, New room, more freedom, less responsibility,
and I'll be able to give up my posts of librarian dicipline head, treasurer for Taekwando and
English language society! Plus, the schools in PJ are known for their good English. What better place to
hone my skills? i'd fit right in~

Cons.# I'll miss all my friends in Kajangville!! Especially that guy. He's moving to High School next year so he
can see me more often..and now I'm moving.Geez. I like the church here. We got the best and coolest
youths around...

Well I guess the pros sound more lucrative so yeah, I'm all for it. Besides, there are ways to get to my hometown with ease. Yup, the holidays are really getting into me. :)

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