Friday, June 16, 2006

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

My mind just went haywire as I counted the months left to the last day of school. What am I really going to do after SPM? A-levels? STPM? The impossible government Matriculation? Foundation in teaching?? I just don't know. Well, I had a clear mind on what I was going to do after SPM (speech therapy) until my mother revealed to me that there are insufficient funds to pay for the RM200,000 fees to take a degree course in Australia for 4 years. Well, I could do it if I got PSD (HAHAHA..Yeah right), or if I manage to get into matriculation to further my studies at the only university (UKM) in Malaysia that offers that degree. I don't want to do STPM. I wouldn't be able to cope with something bigger than SPM..
So I re-evaluated what I really want to do in my life. The jobs are in no particular order:

1. Speech Therapist

What's with this job? It's something that combines science and language together. No Maths. That's what I like about it. You treat patients as well as teach and guide them. Bingo! Another plus point; teaching. But, I'm having doubts whether I would really get job satisfaction from this.

2. Psychologist

Don't get me wrong. This is what my mother suggested for me to do. Apparently, there's a high demand for this job; and it's very high-paying. But I'm not really keen in doing this. Yeah, I know there're lots of divisions for this psychology, if I had to do it, I would TEACH psychology. Especially in the neuro.;clinical; educational , occupational therapist divisions. I wouldn't want to practice it...

3. Teacher

Not just any teacher. I want to teach at what I'm good at. English Literature. That is something I would really enjoy. You get to guide others on what you love and read; lots because that's what your job requires you to do. Unfortunately, my mother dampened my hopes when she said that you do not have a choice over what you want to teach. They'll choose it for you.

4. Fashion coordinator...Or anything to do with arts

I still have that part in me that loves art and designs. The former requires you to be able to predict what's the IN thing in the next season, and to be able to give fashion advice. Something I like doing. And what about arts? I love designing and drawing. Toying with graphic arts. But what's the possibility of getting employed? :(

5.Journalist/ freelance writer

I still love to write. But maybe this will go into the 'part-time jobs' list.

I'm still money-minded. But still, job satisfaction is very important to me. How would I be able to live with myself if I made a choice of something I would regret for the rest of my life?

Decisions, decisions, decisions....


nakedwriter said...

yo i met Kavitha yesterday. Just wondering, do you know her personally?

LOL - she called you sparkplugs yesterday. HAHAHA!! ....

See ya then, and all the best shifting to your new PJ house. Invite me for your house warming k!


Sparks said...

which Kavitha are you talking about? I met one from PJ and another one is from my school..

Sparkplugs? Where did that come from? Lol..

Sure! You'll be on the top of the list!

nakedwriter said...

the Pj Kavidha...

HyperKid or something :P

Sparks said...

Ooooh! Kavidha!From SMK Taman Sri Muda? If that's her, yeah I've met her at a SPM course last year :)

She's a really fun person to be with, it's too bad we're living so far apart from each other..for now?

...Am I right?...or maybe the Kavi you're talking about is a regular blogger..

Anonymous said...

Michelle,nah.I think u'd be a good punk rocker!! =p

Sparks said...

I can't play any instruments, Sam..well, I could sing big bands and jazz..but which rock band would want a lead vocal like that? eg. some female sounding a tenor-alto..