Thursday, June 08, 2006


I just came back from Bali. Well, there's really nothing much to see there. If there are any ancient sculpture anyway, it would probably remind me of Cambodia. Nothing beats Cambodia in terms of the historical buildings, by the way.

Only thing to enjoy is the shopping..and, oh! My first time 'spa session'. ("Hahaha" laughs the narcissistic side in me.) The beaches were nothing to shout about. Hard Rock hotel is overrated.
Thank goodness I didn't stay there. I shopped. A lot. Not enough. I left behind a skirt that was meant to be mine back there!!! It costs less than RM 20... Yeah, I'm putting up a big show over something I wanted but didn't get. But enough of Bali already.

Just recently I finished book by Amy Tan. Yeah, that great American author. In that autobiography/novel-like book, she claims not to play a part in changing the lives of her readers. It's all up to the reader. Well, reading the book has made me realize something. That all the dreams of making it big in the art ( music/ fashion designing) industry is all a big fluke. I'm not cut out to be that.

Oh where have you been all this while, my dearest language? I missed you so...You chucked me away along with writing..I'm so sorry, dear friend. I have been blinded by the false promises of the glamour jobs..I mean, you are glamorous as well..Cut the crap, and start improving your writing starting from now. You've abandoned us long enough to lose that creative flair in your vocabulary you used to have..I will, I will, dear old friend. Just let me grab a thesaurus and we'll get started...


nakedwriter said...

I think you're pretty much on your way with Ms. Language over there.

And come on! BALI was hot! I love it there... hehehe - but yeah, architecture is nothing. The beach though is something! lol

Sparks said...

Language worries me all the time nowadays..:(