Thursday, August 23, 2007

You can't really see it though.

Wanted to dye my hair green, booked an appointment at Wings Salon, whose owner is Vinxx. (Gee, how creative can they get already?)

Mother threw a hissy fit on why I should go back to my old hairstylist in Kajang who's been doing my hair since 10. So to appease her, I went along with her about 2 hours before my appointment time.

Not that I have anything against her, but something tells me that a home-operating hairstylist whose customers mostly compromise of old aunties & homemakers would not have the colour I want.

Parked outside her house. Heart beating fast
Went into the hairstyling room anticipation,
"Do you have this colour?" The moment of life &
"Nah, it's not popular in my salon.." Victory!!!
Quick! Hide that triumphant smile before she sees it!
Oh, no...too late. She caught it. Wow, what a scowl.

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