Saturday, January 01, 2005

A New Year

Oh shit,I just turned 16 this year.Som call it it the sweet 16,others call it the honeymoon year I call it the most difficult year of my teen life..(we'll see how it goes (;).It's the year where I think I'm officialy a teen,no longer a kid.I do miss my chilhood.No one would laugh at you for doing something embarrasing or foolish.And I don't have to wear those stupid bras...:P.I love being with my juniors especially those younger ones.Most of them are just plain innocent and they don't know the meaning of sarcastism or back-stabbing your friend.But I guess someday I'll have to move on.

My parents agreed to get me the piano book.My mother said she would have gotten me a room makeover with Ikea stuff plus that piano book.I am so freakin mad at myself..(though I don't show it).Anyway I signed up for the science class.Hope I get into one eithout any of those thick-headed, conceited people.Chao.

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