Thursday, October 05, 2006

Suicidal notes

How I miss my childhood.
The carefree days. Everything was clean and fun.
Now, it all seems murky and all in a disarray.

I am in a dream. A dream that will end soon.
I am still living out my childhood.
To your eyes, I am a young woman.
In my heart, I am forever a child.
Oh, how I will miss the days without worries and thoughts.

I want to end my life before it is too late.
Stop my life at the age before becoming ...
To make my dream an everlasting one..
Will be pure bliss for me.

Alas, fear stopped me.
Curiousity told me to continue with my dreaded life.
"Wouldn't you love to know what's to become of you?"
What's to become of me?
Oh, what's to become of me?

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